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MEI's Treatment Facilities

McCutcheon Enterprises, Inc. (MEI) has built a tradition of innovation and leadership in the waste management field. Today, that tradition continues with our Municipal and Residual Waste Processing Facility. This state-of-the-art facility enables MEI to provide complete waste management solutions in the handling, transportation and disposal of municipal and residual wastes.

MEI Treatment Facilities
MEI Treatment Facility
Waste Management Treatment

Our Treatment Processes

Innovation and experience have led us to use the most effective processes for waste treatment.

Centralized Wastewater Treatment & Disposal- In this process, wastes are chemically treated and blended to allow for phase separation and waste reduction.

Treatment for Re-Use-Acknowledging the need for environmentally safe treatment processes, MEI provides Re-Use wastewater treatment solutions for Marcellus, Utica and shallow well drillings, as well as flowback and production wastewaters.

Drilling Mud/Cuttings and Sludge Processing Solutions- Our dewatering and solidification capabilities enable us to receive and process spent drilling mud, and tank, pit and pond sludge.

Drum Handling- We can sort, store, and composite drums containing liquid, solid and semi-solid wastes.

Waste Oil Storage and Compositing- Our oil processing utilizes phase separation processes to yield a recyclable oil by-product.

Solutions provided:

  • Liquid Processing
  • Chemical Treatment
  • Filtration
  • Dewatering
  • Stabilization
  • Solidification
  • Oil Water Separation